3 Easy Steps to Start your Weight Loss Journey

Apr 23, 2020

Establishing a healthy lifestyle comes in baby steps, gradually and consistently being mindful of what you put into your body and how you are taking care of it. However, sometimes we don’t know the life-long ingrained habits that we have developed subconsciously, are the same habits that prevent us from getting the fit lifestyle we want. 

That’s why having a few tips in your back pocket can help you can start and continue to live healthy without doing a complete 180 turn in a day. Small changes over time often make the biggest difference, so below are 3 things that you can start doing today to become more successful in your weight loss journey. 

  1. Substitute sugars

Most of the time we don’t recognize the beverages we drink contain enough sugar to set us back. In this Harvard’s study and creative visual, the results are shocking. Sugary drinks contribute to obesity, heart problems, digestive complications, and more, making the daily bottle of soda a suspect for long term health issues.

It’s understandable why it’s so hard to give up sugary drinks, they alter our taste buds to crave that glucose compound, and feed the cycle of drinking sugary drinks because their unsweetened counterparts are less exciting. But kicking this habit to the curb is essential to increasing the effectiveness of your weight loss journey. Try switching to sparkling water instead of soda, fruit-infused water instead of sugary drinks, and black coffee in place of a mocha. 

  1. Shop the perimeters 

When you walk in the grocery store, you’ll notice that the fresh foods are located around the outside of the store, and the not-so-good-for-you foods are perfectly lined up on easy-to-reach shelves for your taking. That’s what it means to “shop the perimeter” and it’s so hard for many people because they make buying food a kind of window shopping experience by walking up and down the aisles. 

Start developing the habit of walking mostly around the outside borders of the grocery store, focusing on choosing items from the sections of produce, meat, healthy fats, and grains that border the store. 

  1. Move for 15+ minutes each day 

Having a sedentary lifestyle is the hardest for your body, especially when you are sitting for work, because movement is essential to the well being of your body. Doing some sort of exercise whether it’s walking, jogging, strength training, swimming, or doing yoga, will boost your metabolism and help burn calories. Ultimately just getting up and doing something for 15+ minutes a day can improve how you feel, look, and uplift your mood.

Those are just a few tips for starting your weight loss journey, however, it could be increasingly more impactful if you worked with someone who could tailor a plan to your needs and work on getting you real results. Working with Betsy on your nutritional needs can be the jumpstart you need to get the healthy lifestyle you deserve.

Reach out and contact me today to discuss a plan that works for you and how you can get the body you desire.

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