Getting Rid of “Love” Handles: Tips Anyone Can Try

Despite their name, most people don’t love anything about their love handles. Love handles are a different name for the extra fat that sits on the sides of the waist and may hang out over the top of pants. Another name you may have heard it referred to is a...

Plant-Based VS. Whey Protein Powder

We are ringing in the New Year and people are ready to focus on their health and change the way they treat their body. It is no secret that a protein rich diet is key to a successful weight loss journey. Eating an adequate amount will keep you satiated after every...

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipes

Healthy Thanksgiving recipes may sound like an oxymoron, but we can assure you there are healthy food options. With the holidays rolling around, it can be difficult to stay on track with your health and fitness goals. Thanksgiving is a time of togetherness and...

Healthy Thanksgiving Side Dishes

The holidays are approaching quickly! This is often a time for reflecting on the year that’s passed and “giving thanks” for a variety of things, including good health, a comfortable home, great friends, and close family. One of the most common ways we...

Healthy Salad Recipes for Weight Loss

So, you’re looking for some healthy salad recipes for weight loss…we’ve got you covered! When living a healthy lifestyle, your nutrition doesn’t have to be bland for you to hit your goals. When people think of eating healthy, they’ll often think that...