

“I’m grateful for Betsy’s support and guidance in improving my eating habits and discipline. My initial goal was to shed a bit of weight (6 lbs) and trim inches from my waist, and thanks to her assistance, I’ve achieved both objectives. I’ve maintained my weight at...


“From 2019-2022, I attended graduate school. I spent a lot of time studying and participating in clinical. I did not prioritize exercising at all. I also ate easy convenient meals that were not typically the best for me. While in school, I gained nearly 20 pounds. At...


“There are a lot of advantages to having a second baby at 40–but losing the weight isn’t among them! I wasn’t prepared for how hard I’d have to work to lose the last 15 pounds of the 50 pounds I gained. The weight wasn’t going to come off without commitment, and I’ve...


“I was tired of waking up exhausted and just not feeling great about myself. At 35 years old and with three small kids, the tricks that worked in the past and the fad diets just weren’t doing the job anymore. I had heard fantastic things about Betsy through the...


"In August of 2022, I was hospitalized and diagnosed with congestive heart failure and severe sleep apnea. It was quite a scare. I knew I had to make major lifestyle changes to reduce sodium in my diet and lose weight. My daughter had great success doing Betsy’s...


I’ve tried every weight loss program over the past 10 years, with minimal results. What I lost, I gained right back, because I never learned how to truly change how and what I was eating. With Betsy, I learned how to fuel my body to lose weight and keep it off. Other...


Finding Betsy through a workout friend was truly the best thing for me in this season of life. Through my 2nd pregnancy, I had gained 73lbs. Of course some of that weight came off naturally after giving birth, but I struggled to get rid of the last 30lbs. Weight...


Betsy took the time to get to know me personally and my health history. She listened to my goals, both with weight as well as fitness. She recommended a tailored plan to suit my body’s needs and my insanely hectic lifestyle (our family with three young kids, work,...

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I spoke with Betsy in March after seeing some reviews on social media and a long-time friend's weight loss. I was coming out of an extensive period of macro-counting mixed with ultra-running. I had been in a long reset after a race and had gained about 15-20 pounds...

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I have always been “in shape” and had a good handle on my health, but after two children I really wanted to drop those last 10 pounds that just wouldn’t budge. I felt a little crazy about reaching out to Betsy at first—I didn’t have much to lose and thought I...

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