I had tried everything to lose weight. Keto… check. Profile…check. Weight loss pills and shots…check. Every fad diet in the history of ever… check. Then I needed surgery, and the surgeon told me he wouldn’t do the surgery until I lost AT LEAST 30 pounds. That was my Everest! How could I lose 30 pounds when I had struggled for years just to lose 3? I came home from his office that day so disheartened, then I saw a friend’s Facebook post about working with Betsy and losing 40 pounds.
I sent her a DM and got all the details and contacted Betsy that night. I sent her all the information she asked for and got started as soon as I could. I have now lost 57 pounds! I hit my goal weight on August 11, and it has just been amazing! I couldn’t do the diet for three months while I had my surgery, and my surgeon was amazed that I had lost 40 pounds when I went back to see him in March.
I think the main thing is the accountability Betsy offers. That is what truly is the secret! Just having someone encouraging you and giving you tips all along the way!