
Jan 4, 2023

My 20s have seen some obstacles, with the greatest being the unexpected loss of my mother. When life gives you hardships, you can easily forget who you are, especially when you don’t recognize the person in the mirror. When that happened to me, I contacted Betsy.

You know the meme that says, “I need someone to follow me around and slap unhealthy foods out of my hands”? Well, that pretty much sums it up with Betsy. ???? She keeps you accountable, cheers you on, and helps you pivot when change is needed. To put it in perspective, the girl on the left exercised 5-6 days per week and lost around 6 lbs after a year. The girl on the right lost over 30 lbs strictly from diet alone while working with Betsy for a year.

Make this upfront investment for your health now to save you and your family time, money, and heartaches in the future. Lean on Betsy and let her help you change your life for the better too!!

Whitney Kubeja

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