Top Healthy Comfort Food Recipes for the Winter

As the weather gets colder, it’s tempting to want to stay home, get cozy, and indulge in your favorite comfort foods. However, it’s important that you enjoy your favorite comfort foods while also reaching your nutrition and fitness goals! You can indulge in that...

3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Meal-Prepping

Do you find yourself constantly spending money on eating out, or spending time each day preparing your lunch? Meal prepping is a simple solution that can positively impact your eating routine, saving you time and money along the way. It allows you to prepare meals...

3 Tips for Eating Well While on Vacation

Now that travel is starting to slowly but surely open back up, adventure is calling! Nothing sounds better than a vacation to a dream destination or spending a long weekend somewhere out of town. No matter where your travels take you next, when planning a vacation...

3 Ways To Beat the Dreaded Fat Loss Plateau

We all go through it—that dreaded point in a weight loss journey where you are stuck at a standstill. You are doing all the right things and following healthy routines but now your scale does not want to budge and continues looking back at you with the same result....