Megan Daniels 40 year old mom of 2

“When you go through a heartbreaking or difficult season of life, the LAST thing on your mind is what you are going to eat. In fact, you may skip meals. This is where I was at the beginning of 2018 and I knew I needed to make changes about about what I was...

John MacDonald

“I decided to contact Betsy after seeing the impressive results she was having with some of her other clients. I was also about to turn 40 and for the past 5 or 6 years had been at a weight that I just wasn’t used to. I was a regular at the gym, but for...

Ashley Baisley

“When I first contacted Betsy in August I was just. so. tired. of being tired! I had seen her posts on IG and FB and kept talking myself out of contacting her – her fitness level intimidated me and I just thought “no way” can a person who looks like that...

Abby Roesch

“December of 2017, I met with Betsy Johnson because I hated my body and I did not have any energy. What surprised me was that I didn’t realize how poorly I had been eating. She worked one-on-one with me from the beginning, tailoring my eating habits and figuring...